Collection: Kokoro

Kokoro was founded in Montreal in 2018 by Cindy Cheung and Taky Fung, two serial entrepreneurs with a passion for creating value. The name “Kokoro”, derived from the Japanese word for “heart”, represents our belief in the power of the heart to inspire and transform. This name holds special significance for us as both founders have experienced life-threatening health challenges, which ultimately led us to create something meaningful and impactful. Through Kokoro, we hope to inspire others and make a positive difference in the world by providing timeless, high-quality fabric goods.

Discovering a new challenge in 2020 - a global pandemic - Kokoro took action and used their resources to create reusable fabric masks. This allowed us to continue our mission of giving back while also helping to slow the spread of the virus. Our masks have been donated to front-line and essential workers, a small way of showing our gratitude for their sacrifices. Through this experience, we've learned that our true desire is to bring happiness and color into the lives of people of all ages. As a result, we proudly expanded our product collections in 2021, offering fabric goods that can be enjoyed by everyone.