Collection: Clean O2

Shop all natural bar soap and looking where to buy Clean O2 Soap Products at The Local Boom Gift Shop in Vancouver, BC. 504 East Broadway. 

Hey there, we're CleanO2! We ain't just any ol' eco-friendly soap-maker, we're comin' at climate change with a lathery fist clenched round each and every one of our soaps!

Our brilliant founders—Jaeson, Kathi, and Scott—designed CarbinX™, a revolutionary device that transforms CO2 from building heating systems into a harmless powder (potassium carbonate) that we like to call pearl ash!

CleanO2 is the OG when it comes to converting those pesky CO2 emissions to sudsy natural soaps. Get this: We began in Calgary, Alberta, but now we're operating CarbinX units all over Canada, the US and Japan! Plus, some of the most well-known organizations have joined our mission to help reduce emissions.